Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Physics
Department of Physics

Hungarian version

Group of Chemical Physics

Head of Department: Prof. György Mihály

Head of the group: Dr. Noszticzius Zoltán

1111 Budapest, Budafoki út 8.,
building F, III. / 2nd floor
Phone: +36-1-463-1341
Fax: +36-1-463-1896

animp.gif (448 bytes)  Staff
Staff homepages.
Atom.gif (1031 bytes) Research
Scientific work,
reactorlogo.gif (132 bytes) ESF
Reactor Home page
teacher.gif (383 bytes)   Teaching
(Mostly Hungarian version)
Lecture abstracts, exam informations.

visitors since july. 2007.

Last modified: 2007. Jan. 27.; Volford András,